Afraid of spiders? 'Phobys' augmented reality app helps overcome fear of spiders

SEP 22, 2021


The 'Phobys' app uses a realistic 3D spider model that is projected into the real world and has produced promising results, said the developers.

Be it the superhero in movies or the real-life creeping creature, the name spider has always been able to draw reactions from many. Besides, the four-legged arthropods are also among the most feared insects if not animals. However, scientists have now found a way to minimize this fear by developing an augmented-reality-based app that could help people overcome their dread of the insect.

Exploiting the ‘exposure therapy’

According to a report by SciTechDaily, the app named ‘Phobys’ has been developed by a research team from the University of Basel and uses a realistic 3D spider model that is projected into the real world. Led by Professor Dominique de Quervain the app is based on augmented reality and exploits the ‘exposure therapy’. This kind of therapy is usually avoided by people as it guides the patients through therapeutic exposure to the situations they fear in order to gradually break down their phobia.

Anja Zimmer, the lead author of the study was reported explaining their path to choosing this therapy where she said that for people having Arachnophobia, facing a virtual spider is easier than facing a real one. Media sources stated that the study, published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, has seen significant positive results and less fear in the subjects after just a few weeks of clinical trials.

The experiment and its effectiveness

The two-week-long testing of the app, which involved 66 patients were divided into two factions, one that was trained with the Phobys app and the other which was not. The app-oriented training group was reportedly given 30 minutes of exposure across six training units. Results revealed that those who were familiar with the augmented reality app were less afraid and disgusted with real-life spiders as compared to the group that was unfamiliar.

Available for both Apple and Android

The ‘Phobys’ app has made it to app stores of both Apple and Android and can be downloaded for testing one’s fear for free. However, the users will have to purchase the lengthy training lessons to see considerable improvements. The app reportedly offers nine levels of difficulties and the tasks get more intense with each level. The developers, however, have suggested that users with a serious phobia should proceed to higher levels under supervision.

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