What Is AI Writing? Why It Can Never Replace Humans

DEC 08, 2021

AI writing tools are picking up pace and can write a whole article from scratch. But, can they ever replace real, human writers?

Do you use your writing skills to pay your bills?

If so, you might be afraid of artificial intelligence writing software threatening to take over your job. After all, the question now has changed from "can" AI replace professional writers to "when will?"

With AI getting smarter day by day, this question requires a deeper understanding of the subject. So, will AI writing replace professional writers? Here's what you need to know.

What Is an AI Writing Program?

AI writing programs are tools or software that use AI and machine learning to produce content. With the advancement in these tools, some professional writers are afraid it might take over their job. However, according to the World Economic Forum, AI will take 85 million human jobs, but it'll also create 97 million new ones until 2025.

How Does AI Writing Work?

Now that you know what AI is, let's understand how exactly it works.

When you feed your AI writing software with the topic and keywords you want your built content around, it collects data from millions of websites on the internet. Then, already understanding grammatical and punctuation rules, sentence structure, and other directives, it takes your command on word limit, tone, format, etc., and creates content for you.

Moreover, using deep learning and natural language processing, the software copies the patterns of human brain functions and ensures the delivery of the written piece contains the natural flow of language.

In simple words, the software uses algorithms to collect the data and then process and convert it for better delivery and a good reading experience.

Types of AI Writing Software

To understand the types of AI software and what they have to offer, here's a small list of the AI writing software with their cost.

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